API Reference

A general guide on setup your account.

To access your Merchant account, go to Account -> Merchant account. Here you can change the company name associated with your account, get information about payment acceptance, API key and webhooks configuration.

By default, the “Merchant name” is filled with the “New company”.


Note: Your merchant name is visible to your customers on the Checkout page.

Payment acceptance

Here you can learn the list of blockchains and stablecoins available for payment acceptance through Fanspay.


The address used to sign up to Fanspay is also used for receiving payments from your customers.

API settings

API key is needed for exchanging payment data between payers and your website. Learn more in Fanspay API.


Webhooks are needed for notifications about new payments. Read how you can use webhooks.


To make payouts via API you need to allow Fanspay smart contract to access your certain stablecoin. Learn more how Payouts work.